Jo Lane: Sensor

Junior Space, Melbourne, 20th Oct – 9th Nov, 2016

“Jo Lane is a drawer, and uses representational style to illustrate abstract ideas. representational in style, her slightly staged yet ambiguous work invite individual responses, these depend on the viewer’s own perspective and life experience. She creates work that is moving, stimulating and curious. Her drawings are complex, and are said to be, mesmerising. Her art heroes are Luc Tuymans, Juul Kreijer and Michael Borremans.

This show SENSOR is an experimental body of work about what it feels like to be in the chasm that is the inside of ourselves.  While these works could be considered ‘portraits’, they are not traditional impressions of a person as seen from the outside world, but rather sensed as if inside.  While all the subjects are known to the artist and based on their interactions, they are universal portraits of sentience.  They have no race, sex or age to be judged by…” *

 * text source

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