incinerator gallery

The Incinerator Art Award: Art for Social Change

Incinerator Art Gallery, Melbourne, 14th October – 3rd December 2016. Featured Artists: Lachlan Anthony, Bethany Wheeler, Louisa Wang, Kent Morris, Elyss McCleary, Deborah Kelly, Kevin Chin, Paul Handley, Kailum Graves, Dominic Kavanagh, Shane McGrath, Deanna Hitti, Zanny Begg, Adam Cusack, Jorge Mansilla, Lauren Dunn, Kristian Laemmle-Ruff, Frank Veldze, Peter Cheng, Molly Biddle, Lani Seligman, Elvis Richardson, Virginia Fraser, Nola Taylor, Laresa Kosloff, Ashlee Laing. “The works from 36 Australian shortlisted artists for the annual Incinerator Art Award have recently beenRead more
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