Various galleries and studio spaces in the Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne. 6 – 11 December, 2016.
Featured artists: Julia Boros, Madeline Bishop, I-Yen Chen, Natalie Trofimiuk, Raymond Carter, Kellie Wells, Bronwen Kamasz, Kerri Wilson McConchie, Corinna Berndt, Siri Hayes, Monique La Fontaine, Kerrilee Dixon, Jennie Rosenbaum, Dane Lovett.
“The VCA School of Art Masters Exhibition is presented by graduating students completing degrees in the Master of Contemporary Art and Master of Fine Art. Audiences will navigate a dynamic exhibition beginning in the Margaret Lawrence Gallery and leading into the School of Art studios. This exhibition celebrates the students’ artistic imagination, extensive theoretical knowledge and mastery of their practical and technological skills…” *
* text sourcecamera: lx100